• The Psychology Of Belief

Here’s a recent article about the work I do with Schools.

One thing that occurred to me years ago was that it would be really useful for students if they learnt how their minds work. Not just students, but teachers and parents and the communities that schools serve. Applying a practical understanding of the principles that underly our emotional, psychological and physical processes, can only help communities to create healthier more connected and ultimately happier relationships.

Increases in exam grades are one of the happy effects of working with true principles, and even more than that students begin to see how they can aspire to creating a life that excites and motivates them to get involved with the work and the effort required to realise it.

For me it’s an honour and a challenge to work in this way. What greater rewards can coaching and therapy offer than to work with whole communities in improving well-being and quality of life? My thanks go to all of the staff, students and parents of Litcham School.

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