Feeling stuck in your career?
How much of your time do you spend working?
How you feel about your work is very important, because if things aren’t going well it effects other areas of your life. Worries, frustrations and pressures do arise as natural consequences of the challenges we face in the workplace, but when we’re on the right career path these stresses are balanced out by the rewards our work offers.
Financial Rewards Vs Job Satisfaction
Statistics on job satisfaction are less than rosy, with many people doing work they no longer enjoy because they can’t see any practical alternatives. Recent research indicates that working with people we like, in a meaningful occupation is of more value to many of us than the amount of money we earn. Of course this makes a lot of sense, but financial pressures can lead to staying in an occupation you’d rather leave or exchange for something more in line with who you really are. Feeling stuck in a job or career that doesn’t feel right is not something you have to put up with, neither need you ever give up on a career that you want.
Getting It Right For You
It’s true that some industries or careers are more competitive than others, but with clarity on what you want, you can put together a plan to get it, no matter what. It doesn’t really matter how humble or ambitious your plans may seem to others, they key to success in your career is how you are thinking, feeling and acting. If you’ll apply Life Coaching principles to the challenges ahead of you, you’ll get there. It’s a matter of making good decisions and following through on them.
A Clear Mind
How do you think being clear, open minded, logical, rational and connected to your intuition, will affect the quality of your decision making? The importance of mental and emotional clarity in making decisions about your career is obvious. When you’re struggling with a problem on your own it’s very hard to keep a clear mind, and so clarity is one of the key benefits you get from working with Life Coaching principles and Emotional Freedom Techniques. You’d be surprised how often I see clients limit their expectations about what’s possible for them. Part of my job is to help you see the bigger picture and to support you as you discover the courage to follow through on the actions that lead to your success.
When You Want To Change But Feel You Can’t
The feeling of being stuck is telling you something important. If things were okay with you as they are now, then the feeling wouldn’t be there. Something inside of you is telling you that there must be a better way. There is a part of you that has the information and the answers that you need to make the changes you want. Listening to that part of you has brought you to this page in your search for help. The reason you’d work with someone like me is that I’m experienced and skilled in helping my clients move past the blocks to their goals so that they reach and achieve them in the shortest amount of time possible. I’ll help you to tune in more and more to the voice inside of you that knows what you want and can show you how to get it. Feeling like you can’t change results from thinking which, although it may seem rational and logical, is actually emotional in nature and has a logic all of it’s own. With clarity of mind you’ll learn to separate logic from emotion so you’ll see the wood for the trees, and if you’ll focus and get involved in some consistent effort, you’ll create the right career for you.
The Time To Act Is Now
The majority of our waking lives are spent at work and none of us know how much time we’ve got. Is it really okay to trade our lives, doing things we no longer wish to do, in exchange for the money for us to carry on living the way we no longer want to? Yes, sometimes just thinking about change can seem hard, and the work you’ll do with a Life Coach will challenge you, but can you really afford to let another 6 months, another year slip by?
When you combine Life Coaching principles with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) you’ll join the growing number of people who are building their kind of career the way they want it. You can read a selection of their stories by clicking on the button below. Each study has been summarised and is used with the client’s permission. Names have been changed to protect client’s privacy.